Frequently Asked Questions
How long will my order take to ship?
Orders generally process within 3 days. Due to the dynamics of our family health issues, there may be occasional delays. We just ask that you remain patient with us, and reach out if you have concerns.
Can I place a custom order?
Custom orders are always welcome. Please keep in mind, additional fees and delays may incur depending on the timeframe.
Which countries do you ship to?
We have shipped to 17 countries and counting! We will ship anywhere, but please keep in mind that some countries may have customs fees at the expense of the buyer.
What is your return policy?
Returns made for reason of defect in the product, will be granted in full. Returns made for any other reason will be accepted within the 3 days of customer receipt, less a 15% restock fee. Customized or personalized items are non-returnable.